Kemper Cognitive Wellness is one of the nation’s leading centers for Alzheimer's and dementia prevention, services, and support.

Meet the Kemper team behind Live Well with Dementia™

Dr. Nate Bergman, DO, MBA

Chief Scientific Wellness Officer

“As a physician, I have seen first hand the devastating effects that dementia can have on families and caregivers. Developing Live Well With Dementia has been one of the most gratifying projects of my career.  There are so many simple strategies taught in this course that can flip a situation from desperate, tense and sometimes hopeless into one of deeper connection and hope.  We cannot reverse dementia, but it's possible to improve and even make life better - we'll show you how inside the course.”     Complete Bio

Nikki Gould, RDN, CLT

Functional Nutritionist, Wellness Coach

“As a registered dietitian, it's my passion to tap into the healing power of food by providing education and tools to help to restore balance and create lasting changes to the mind and body. This course provides support and information that I didn't even realize I was missing and will benefit anyone that needs support for both themselves and their loved one. ”

Alison Connors, FMCHC, Certified Brain Health Trainer

Health & Wellness Coach

"Caregiver stress is a real concern. Raising young kids while watching my own mother struggle with dementia was so overwhelming. My siblings and I were scrambling to find ways to improve her life and improve our interactions with her. I wish the Live Well resources were available at that time. This course is an invaluable guide for the journey ahead - not only for the person with cognitive loss, but for the  caregivers, as well." 


Dementia Family Coach

"I have assisted families and care partners my entire career - helping them understand, learn new ways to communicate, approach, pivot and adapt so all could live well. Then my family needed assistance when cognitive decline entered our lives, starting an emotional roller coaster. Even as a professional in the field, I was not prepared to be a family member.  Thanks to so many around me, I got the support I needed. The course is designed so families can get the answers and support at the time they need it."

Christine Frey, CPT, Pn1

Brain Health Coach

"As a certified personal trainer, I am dedicated to helping others attain their optimal fitness and health goals through effective and achievable training programs.  Exercise is one of the most evidence-based supports for brain health and memory.   In this course, I'm pleased to offer basic and intermediate at-home routines that can really benefit the person with cognitive loss."


Kristin Kemper West, LNHA,  ReCODE Practitioner

Co-Founder & President, Kemper Cognitive Wellness & Kemper House 

“This course is an all-encompassing toolkit for the family that just received a diagnosis.  Are you wishing to push back against cognitive decline?  Do everything you can to reduce symptoms and stave off decline?  Are you wondering about options besides a prescription for Aricept?  Kemper can help.  This team knows dementia and Alzheimer's from a scientific and practical standpoint - you will be hard-pressed to find this powerful combination of information and support anywhere else."

Mary Cavanaugh, J.D.

General Counsel, Kemper Companies

“As a lawyer working in long term care and as a daughter helping my own mother when she was diagnosed with dementia, I understand the legal and family challenges that you may be facing.  This can be a difficult time for everyone, but there are resources available to help you move forward with planning in a positive way, and with your loved one’s best interests at the forefront.”



"Hope.  That was all we were looking for over 1 year ago when we contacted the team from Kemper.

My grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's for 14 years before her passing.  My mother (70 yrs old) had been showing signs for about a year.  We felt defeated by the lack of progress traditional medicine has made over the past 2 decades since my grandmother passed.  In many ways, we were being told to prepare to live through the same hell all over again.

Kemper's very personal, holistic, and optimistic approach to our family and the disease is a blessing.  We have not only experienced a pause in mom's symptoms but are enjoying marked improvements in her engagement, happiness, and overall well-being.

We are extremely grateful to the Kemper team for providing a light in the darkness this terrible disease creates.  If your family is struggling with the darkness, please call Kemper.  We feel blessed to have them fighting with our mom!"


About Kemper Cognitive Wellness

Kemper Cognitive Wellness is one of the nation’s leading centers for Alzheimer's and dementia prevention, services, and support.


Kemper provides testing, treatment, and support to individuals and families faced with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.  The introduction of Live Well with Dementia™ allows our team to reach, educate and support significantly more people around the United States and beyond who are battling cognitive loss.


We believe it is possible to live well with dementia.  Let us join you on this journey and show you the way.








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